Work-related injuries have a human and economic impact for employers, workers, and communities.

The Traumatic Injury Prevention Program aims to reduce and prevent work-related injury and death from trauma across all industries. Our priority topics include preventing injuries and deaths related to:

  • On-the-job motor vehicle crashes
  • Falls at work
  • Workplace violence
  • Use of machines and industrial vehicles to perform work duties



Injury Data

To collect data on nonfatal injuries among EMS workers, NIOSH uses the occupational supplement to the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS-Work)—a national probability-based sample of U.S. hospital emergency departments. Prior to 2015, both injuries and illnesses were captured in NEISS-Work, although illnesses were estimated to represent less than 10% of all cases.

  • EMS worker injuries treated in the participating hospitals are identified from admissions information and emergency department chart review by a records abstractor in each hospital.
  • A workers’ compensation claim is not required for inclusion.
  • National injury estimates are calculated by summing the statistical weights assigned to each case treated in one of the NEISS-Work hospitals.